
Employee Spotlight: Get To Know Our Newest CSRs

Last month, we welcomed a new class of Community Service Representatives (CSRs) to our CCD team. Our CSRs are an integral part of Center City, serving as a welcoming presence for pedestrians and as the “eyes and ears” on the streets for public space reporting. Learn more about three of our newest team members, Sabryna, Omar and Habram through the Q&As below.  

We asked our new CCD team members three questions: 

  • "What inspired you to join CCD as a Community Service Representative (CSR)?”  
  • “What surprises you about your role as a CSR so far?” 
  • “What is your favorite activity in Center City?” 

Note that submissions have been edited for grammar and clarity. 


Sabryna D. 

What inspired you to join CCD as a Community Service Representative (CSR)?
I really enjoy spending time downtown. It's my go-to place for a night out. I also have a passion for helping the community. When I read the job description and learned about the work we'd be doing, I was really excited because it aligns with what I want to do. After going through the interviews and starting to work these last few days, I can confidently say that this is exactly what I want to be doing. It's been a lot of fun, and I just love interacting with people. 

What surprises you about your role as a CSR so far?
I was really worried about my sense of direction, but the trainers and everyone I work with, including the CSRs and managers, have been amazing. They are very informative and helpful. I'm surprised at how quickly I'm picking things up because of their support. It's especially surprising to me because I usually struggle with directions. 

What is your favorite activity in Center City?
Eat! I love eating at Reading Terminal Market. It is the perfect place to go if you are a foodie. 

Omar M. 

What inspired you to join CCD as a Community Service Representative (CSR)?  
I wanted to join the team as a CSR because I'm a Philadelphia native myself. When I did my research before applying for the job, I saw that I would be getting paid for what I do every day - helping people. I love directing people, especially in the Center City area, where it can get confusing even for locals. I have always been a people person, and I knew that I wanted to work in a field where I could help others. 

What surprises you about your role as a CSR so far?
I find that the role can be challenging at times, but I believe that's what makes our work meaningful.  

What is your favorite activity in Center City?
My favorite thing to do downtown is fine dining. I should gatekeep my favorite restaurant, but I won't. I would say one of my favorite places to eat is Loch Bar. 

Habram R. 

What inspired you to join CCD as a Community Service Representative (CSR)?
When I was looking for a job, one of the things I was seeking was the opportunity to help people. I found that this job allowed me to walk around, talk to people, build relationships, and guide them around the city. I really enjoy being able to assist and show people what the city has to offer. 

What surprises you about your role as a CSR so far?
I am really happy to learn about how helpful the Center City District is with training us. They are willing to take as much time as necessary to train us. It's encouraging to know that they are committed to providing ongoing training and support and are dedicated to helping us become the best versions of ourselves in order to better assist others. 

What is your favorite activity in Center City?
My favorite thing to do is simply walking around Center City. I went to school there, so it's nice to stroll, get some fresh air, and chat with people, meet new people, try out different places to eat, and just take in the various events happening around. 

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